Why we offer a 3-Year Replacement Warranty on this product

Why we offer a 3-Year Replacement Warranty on this product

What does a 3-Year Replacement Warranty mean?

For the customer, it's an absolute deal. It's a true peace of mind, like an insurance, protection, and security.

Unlike other dashcam brands, VUGERA offers a standard 2-year replacement warranty. However, at Dashcam Specialists, we offer a 3-year replacement on the UX9 model equipped with Samsung's Pro Endurance 256GB micro-SD card (Install & Save).

We believe in the manufacturer. Mercedes-Benz and Lexus have chosen them for many years and in case of Lexus, the warranty is 4-years for the OEM product (longest ever in the history of dashcams to date).

A replacement warranty means that we will replace it with a new product, not repair it. Visit our shop and let us assess the fault on spot. We will do the warranty claim while you lay relaxed, rest assured, and enjoy your tea or coffee in our workshop lounge.

Why is it important?

Most low-quality and unreliable brands offer a 12-month or 18-month warranty but there is a catch. You must send it to the country of origin at your cost. Moreover, you are likely to receive a repair and not a replacement. It will take a while until you get in back. You will be without a dashcam for sometime.

You might want to save a couple of dollars or simply ditch it and purchase a new one when your low-quality and unreliable goes wrong, but do you really want to make an irrational decision? It's time to think about our Install & Save. We won't be beaten to serve you and your family to make the right decision.

About the Vugera UX9 256GB Install & Save Offer

This offer is our best 4K dashcam deal which comes with a massive Samsung Pro Endurance 256GB storage, delivering value for money, and an unforgettable installation experience provided with complete walkaround and product explanation from A-to-Z including smartphone application setup.

Try beating this amazing deal. Quality, reliability, performance, and product endurance. The UX9 is simply the best choice and decision when it comes to a Korean made dashcam.

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